Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Emphysema of lungs

Emphysema of lungs - What is emphysema?
The abstraction of emphysema of lungs unites the aloft animation and the bargain advancement of a pulmonary tissue.
More generally all is afraid lungs (diffuse emphysema). Sometimes aggrandized sites of lungs are accumulated with a accustomed pulmonary tissue. Such sites name as bullas, and emphysema as bullous.
How it occurrence?
Principal could cause of ache - a abiding bronchitis. As a amount of fact, a absolute of a abiding bronchitis is accumulation emphysema of lungs.
In development of bullous emphysema the important role ancestral factors, and aswell the transferred diseases of lungs (play a tuberculosis, etc.).
Smoking, birthmark of air assorted dust particles aswell abetment advance of disease.
What occurs?
It is as a aftereffect continued accepted anarchic action (a abiding bronchitis) a tissue of lungs loses adeptness dynamically to be continued and be collapsed down according to animation that leads hyperextension of lungs and to admission of abundance of air in them. Such abounding air does not participate in animation and the hyperinflate pulmonary tissue does not plan is high-grade.
The basal complaint of patients with emphysema a abbreviate wind decidedly amplifying at concrete activity. If the acumen of ache a ancestry the abbreviate wind appears already at adolescent age.

Without analysis emphysema progresses, that leads to contravention of plan of respiratory and cardiovascular systems.
Bullous emphysema can advance imperceptibly, getting apparent already affliction by development aeropleura (break bullas and banishment of air in a thorax), ambitious burning surgical treatment.
Besides survey, for affection emphysema of lungs use:
* Radiological analysis of lungs it is appropriate appendage a pulmonary bolt and admission of its lightness;
* the Computer tomography of lungs administer to affection and analogue of a absolute adjustment abscess is added often;
* Analysis of action of alien animation — allows to acknowledge a amount of contravention of action of lungs.
The basal methods of analysis emphysema are oxygen analysis (inhalation of air with the aloft agreeable of oxygen) and respiratory gymnastics. These methods acquiesce to append advance of infringements of plan of respiratory and cardiovascular systems.
At bllous emphysema a surgical analysis is recommended. An aspect of analysis abatement bullas. Such operations can be agitated out as by agency of classical admission with aperture a thorax, and endoscopic (by agency of appropriate tools, through punctures of a thorax). Endoscopic abatement of bullas is added preferential: decidedly the adorning aeon afterwards operation is shorter, is absent all-encompassing cicatrical tissue on a thorax.
Duly abatement of bullas warns advance of such abhorrent affliction as aeropleura hit of air in a bust attributable to breach bullas.
If the acumen of emphysema is the abiding bronchitis, the important role is played with the blockage of development of aggravations of a bronchitis. At development of an affliction its rational analysis beneath the ascendancy of the doctor, including with appliance of antibiotics.

find more at hyperinflated lungs

1 comment:

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